Food & Wine Pairing


We are often asked which wines we would serve with what food, and it has to be said that the subject of wine and food pairing is not a straightforward one, as the protein is not the only food to take into account.  It is also very important to consider the ingredients in the sauce, and even the way that the dish is cooked.

Since we know all of our wines very well, we are happy to advise on which wines to serve with various dishes. So next time you are having a dinner party and you want the wines to really complement the food, contact us, tell us your menu and let us suggest wines to serve with it. 

In order to be sure of being able to supply just the right wines we would need at least a week’s notice for a dinner party.

Wines for such events can be offered on a sale or return basis, and if it is a large event we can also offer the loan of attractive glassware. Take a look at our

Testimonials section to read about the experience of one of our customers who used this service.

